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Alterhuman Theoreticals

cryptonomica - 2020-02-29 23:54:02

One of my favorite things to think about, which most of you from the discord server have heard me ramble about, is theoretical and possible future Alterhuman identities. I think a few things I've thought about were the possibility of becoming a survivalist as an Alterhuman thing, identifying As your zodiac instead of feeling described by them, or people who lifestyle as being from another time period. I also feel like if enough people communally imagine the possibilities of the future, at least one person is going to find their dream life. Is there something you could see even half a percent chance of happening? Even just something thatd be kinda fun to see? I'm rather partial to the Time Period lifestyling, even if its just because I want to buy a lot of mourning attire :p

aepaex - 2020-03-01 14:31:16 I can see time period lifestyling becoming more of a Thing in the future, especially since the internet is such a… haven for stuff like that? There are already a good amount of period-based Youtube channels, for instance, so I feel like it's only a matter of time before a noticeable amount of people say "No, I really want to live like this."

I can also see more alterhuman (and transhuman) identities cropping up as technology like VR becomes more advanced and accessible. The idea of like, becoming/identifying as your online avatar is already present and I feel like it's just going to get amplified in the future.

One thing I would personally like is alternative drag (and super-alternative fashion in general) being linked to alterhumanity. People like Hungry put on these really amazing nonhuman looks, and I'm not super familiar with the drag scene but I feel like more alt/horror/alien/etc. stuff is gaining traction.