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Did you show any signs before you discovered your fictotype?

vagabondsun - 2019-12-09 12:36:50

So it's pretty common for nonhumans to display behaviours or have various shifts that match up with their phenotype before they come to identify as such. But I've heard a few people describe the same thing for fictotypes, and the same can be said for muis to an extent.

Wei've experienced a lot of feelings that made sense once wei figured out who they belonged to, but they were always more like… vague drawings towards certain concepts. Like ancient Egypt, or the golden age of piracy. Wei also questioned a few Homestuck characters before those feelings resolved into Dirk, namely the beta Strilondes (makes sense) and Cronus (makes less sense, until you consider that muir Dirk is trollkin, and Cronus is a humankin troll).
It's kind of weird when you consider that wei don't really ascribe to the narrative of 'I was always this and I just needed to recognize it' - most of muir fableings were definitely made and not discovered.

How common is it, then? Did you experience this before you had your awakening?

aepaex - 2019-12-09 20:46:43

I also don't ascribe to the narrative of 'I was always this and I just needed to recognize it', primarily because I feel like my types are more like hypotheses. But I do attribute some traits to my alien fictotype that I had long before I "awakened".

I don't relate very well to human faces. I don't have prosopagnosia or face/gaze-aversion, and I don't think I have a difficult time reading facial expressions. They just aren't my ideal, and this has been a Thing for most of my life. When I was younger I didn't like photos being taken of me because I never liked my smile in them, I always preferred wearing glasses, I dislike hearing or watching people eat. My interest in masks began in my early teens. I know I've mentioned it before, but I like the way I look more when my face (or mouth) is covered.

I also attribute my yearning to fly to this type. When I was first questioning, I went through a period of looking at avian theriotypes, but flight seemed so emphasized in them and I couldn't relate to it. It makes more sense for me to be something that can only fly sometimes.