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TDF: The Daemon Fthread

vagabondsun - 2020-04-01 12:51:39

(Listen, I think I'm funny.)

This is a generic thread to talk about your daemons. Do you have one? Are you just in it for the form-finding? What is your form? Analytical? Pullman? Are you settled? How did you figure it out? So on and so forth.

vagabondsun - 2020-04-07 12:29:35

I've been back at this again recently since I've not been suuuuper happy with muir overall daemon. Wei've been sitting with mourning dove for a while, but I feel like it's a pretty one-dimensional analysis even for someone who isn't median. I'm liking the looks of the american alligator, but there are a couple of birds of prey and big cats I want to look at too. I've been using this fancy spreadsheet to line things up and compare them, which I'd link the template for but apparently TDF have changed how board access works.\ Wei generally have a much easier time narrowing it down for individual facets, though of course when I go poking at one thing I want to re-check everything >> Dirk is definitely a zorse. Yeq has been pretty comfy as an american badger but I might want to look at some viverroids (hyenas, mongooses, civets, etc). I don't know if we ever narrowed down Gaz beyond some kind of seabird of waterfowl, but I like that and I'm hesitant to look outside of those areas bc of how thematically appropriate they are :v

On that note, I do appreciate that TDF has gotten a lot more lax about analysis recently (recent threads on meta trends have been one of the only places I've ever seen 'more fluffy' used as a positive phrase). Especially because… I've found that Pullman analysis doesn't really speak to me? I feel like everything that daemonism could give me through that lens is already well accounted for through my regular old nonhumanity and various hearted connections. I don't think it would turn up anything surprising or give me anything new. But the fact that it exists at all is cool and I'm glad that it does.

[archive note: post redacted]

Vyt - 2020-04-14 11:45:53


I'm Vyt (no pronouns) and I jopined TDF and started practicing Daemonism just around the new year. My daemon is Lorian (he/him). I entered TDF understanding that therianthropy and daemonism didn't totally overlap, and the form that fit me best according to TDF systems might not be my theriotype. That being said, I apparently exude Herding Dog Energyc from every pore. Even when trying to be as objective as possible and looking to third-person outside observers for advice and input, Lorian's current closest-match forms are Sheltie (analytical) and border collie (pullman/symbolic). Which is totally fine by me! I just wanted to be diligent in making sure I wasn't crossing wires or forcing an answer I wanted, and the introspection process helped a lot. Bees were a second-place contender both analytically and symbollically, and remain important enough to be a good personal form.

Nim - 2020-05-28 12:21:19

I am a dæmian :D thing is, I am not in the community and never have been. I just had Feanor and when I read the books as a teenager we decided that is what he was, but still we never really called him that until we learned there were others.\ Feanor has had different names throughout our childhood, my first clear memory of him is when we were at Disney land Paris waiting in the queues and he and I playing to entertain ourselves - I think I was around 8 years old?

So I never actively chose to become a dæmian, it is like my imaginary animal friend took the title as we grew up. He has always been male and he would run and fly next to the car when driving long distances during holidays (that fast xD).

As younger teenagers his more common form was wolf, but when we were 16 and playing World of Warcraft as a night elf hunter we looked through the pets you could have to choose one to represent him in the game. We picked the then rare Humar the Pridelord which is a black lion. I mean, I have made other hunters and had other pets representing him (always wolves or big cats) but for some reason he has always been a black lion ever since.

Which means we consider ourselves settled since age 16 as a black lion, but no analytical anything has gone into that; he just is a black lion.\ I have no idea what his Pullman form or other analytical form would be, definitely not a lion though cause I am an INTJ.

Before I found the therian community I would read analysis to try and find my "species" = theriotype, but of course that didn't work because theriotypes work in a very different way: I just didn't know about the therian community yet and didn't know how to find my species.