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Any Polymorphs? Your Experiences?

[archive note: post redacted]

The_Flock - 2020-04-13T23:54:09.990Z\ Wei see muirself collectively as a polymorph, and there’s a theory wei throw around that it’s the reason for muir polyfragmented medianhood. But wei also experience a self that wei feel is formless, and the closest wei can describe is like Odo (DS9) in being a silvery goo energy-cloud? But wei also feel like trying to describe the polymorph-self at all is impossible because words fail to describe something formless and incomprehensible?

Hence why wei think wei may have so many forms and some sorta cycle in and out or become more or less prominent, the polymorph self can only express itself and interact through taking on other forms. So wei find wei mirror other beings often and sometimes it sticks and becomes a part of muis. Other times it’s like a cameo shift or fictionflicker that feels very genuinely like I am the thing, until it wears off and I’m no longer the thing. I was, and then sometimes I am no longer.

For muis it’s really defined largely by the formlessness, mirroring of other beings, and shifting through many identities and experiences that are all very authentic, but sometimes temporary. Wei don’t really define it along psych/spiritual lines or anything. Wei lean spiritual but like … whatever, yknow? It’s maybe a little of both.

~ Wix