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housetiger - 2020-05-02 14:08:54

this topic was created to follow along with the #MultiplicityMay challenge. the prompt is just 'communication', but thats not as useful for a forum topic as it is a free essay prompt so heres some ways you might be able to answer this - ive put them under a cut in case youd rather just be freely inspired by the prompt!

specific questions to think about

also, if youre already writing about this elsewhere, feel free to link that here too!

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Anomaly - 2020-06-01 01:36:04

Lyle [fictional superhuman]:

Can you communicate internally? do you speak, or does it come as feelings, or something else?

It's kind of both, there is an inner world language we use that's mostly based on feelings and exchanging mental imagery, but some of us can also speak English or our own languages in the headspace! Although, many of us get the "if the body's brain doesn't know the language, it doesn't register when fronting" effect, if I tried speaking Interlac now it wouldn't register at all to the brain.

Does anyone have a different primary language or communication style (like using sign language or telepathy) from the body/other system members? how does that affect things?

Thankfully almost all of us can understand the feeling/imagery communication, although it can be weird for some anomalings at first. Usually as a part of entering the front you also get access to the body's language, but some aliens still struggle with it and a couple are nonverbal for one reason or another. Because of this though, differences in communication don't always come up. Though of the seven currently in the fronting room, each of us speak four different languages (Engish, Interlac, Vyrgan, and a fourth that doesn't have a name) in the headspace and if I were to speak my native language, four of us aliens would be confused.

Do you use any outworld tools to help you communicate? do you write notes, track switches, or otherwise log your activities?

The private Discord server gets a lot of use for sure, but most of us genuinely struggle to write with the body, so typing is more effective in our case. Though we may leave post it notes for each other.

Has your communication changed over time? is it something youve had to work on

I just kind of had to yell to Quel to answer this one because I'm a system one year old. At first is was nothing outside of passive, unrecognizable feelings. Then it changed once we discovered ourselves and it was like the floodgates opened. We had to work on it, and we still have a lot of work to do with perfecting our inner world communication.

Do you have different handwriting? body language, accents, ways of speaking?

Handwriting at this point us just "bad" for almost everyone. Some of us have different handwriting ranging from subtle to obvious, though you really gotta practice dexterity to have distinct handwriting. Accents and ways of speaking are usually hit or miss, ironically we don't actually get close to our inbody's voice, but there are variations. Like one example is Rex has a deep and direct voice, but in the body he's much more nervous and high pitched. For me I'm chill rambling both ways, but in the body I also get the high pitch affect, which could be because of being nervous in our cases.

Online, do you tend to represent yourselves collectively, or do you use separate accounts for things?

We went from separate, to collectively, and now we're going back to separate. Separate accounts seems to be helping with our blurring and sense of identity, and trying to fit as one person clearly has not worked.