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How are you physically different?

housetiger - 2019-12-29 20:05:22\ one of the things i find super interesting about our plurality as well as others is that when we front, we bring actual physiological differences with us. we have:

i guess our different mental health issues are also physiological to a degree, especially the stuff that comes with mood disorders, but i think that on its own is a lot more commonly talked about than all this other stuff.

do y'all experience any physical differences? tell me about that!

shield_badger - 2020-01-04 21:22:57\ Over here we have:

Yeah we might also be missing more, but Im glad to see this as a topic because not even a lot of plurals know that there can be physical differences between members of a system, and singlets definitely dont know that. But we need people to be aware so we have room to speak about our experiences and get access to healthcare and support spaces as needed for our unique stuff.

Naiadic - 2020-01-16 17:26:33

Everyone else who fronts is really blendy and I haven't fronted in a lot of situations so there might be more, but the only thing we've noticed is I don't seem to share everyone else's sensory sensitivities. I like touch rather than feeling shocked by it, and when kai accidentally slipped into front once they got instantly overwhelmed by light and noise and started distress-flapping

Clovers - 2020-01-26 20:23:01

We have some pretty significant differences between us.

That's all the physical things I'm aware of, but there's countless other differences between us.


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cryptonomica - 2020-03-14 03:34:10

The only physical differences we've ever had is that Dooku, Jones, and the Luteces all have WAY nicer posture than I do, and always end up making my back hurt like hell.\ Dooku is also rather prone to headaches? He mostly fronted when I was angry though.

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