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How does your median system work?

vagabondsun - 2019-12-04 15:50:41

I don't think I've ever met two medians who work exactly the same way, so I thought it'd be interesting to collect some experiences.

Personally, wei slide around between almost-entirely-singlet and almost-entirely-plural a fair bit. Sometimes, the only thing that makes us the same person is our mutual agreement to consider ourselves such - on the other hand, right now I feel pretty much exactly like a regular singular person.\ But I wouldn't say muir selves-experience is exactly a linear scale of more or less separation.

Wei have little to no control over which facet is on top at any given time, except for in certain liminal moments where wei're blendy or mid-transition, and might be able to reach out and push things in a certain direction. This tends to be when wei're just waking up, or spaced out in the shower, or switching with another discreet headmate.

What about y'all? Where do you consider yourself on the singlet/plural axis, if you do at all? How different are your facets from each other, in terms of personality, autonomy, or anything else? What is it that makes you feel connected?

cryptonomica - 2019-12-04 16:45:39

Most of the time it feelts like its just me in here until something happens to get one of my facet's attention (Sanrio things for Robert, lolita things for the Luteces in general, Eddie's girlfriend, Dooku's fond of hearing things about his niece, ect ect ect.)\ We don't have any kind of in-world so its just a void until one of them is able to wrestle the front away, but even then its still Me. I'm like a giant robot piloted by a shitload of people and sometimes one of them controls more than everyone else.\ We used to be a lot more seperate in terms of orientations and certain mental quirks! Jones was the #1 narcissist and Happy was the token AroAce but I've started getting some of those traits back from them since our break-apart moment.\ Phil is also waving hi since I'm talking about facets. Hi Phil

(archive note: post redacted)

Sugarvenom - 2019-12-05 11:33:36

[CW consensual integration]

My median system I feel works a bit weirdly because I originally wasn't median, and then the old host, who is the original we think, Luwana, integrated into me, and now I'm a me-dominant median. Which sounds weird to say. I'm a Selene-dominant median, there.

My primary self-identity is the post-fictive Selene, same as before. But I have a bunch of memories that are mine, but that I actively identify as not mine, despite being mine. Those are Luwana's. As years pass, they become more "mine" but I still feel weird about them.

I'm less… distinctly me than I used to be. I yip, I squeak, I lean in for headscritches. I squee and yammer. All Luwana behaviours, all have become part of the median system that is, for want of a better word, me.

However, wei (first time using that hah) are prone to sliding around towards more me and more Luwana. It feels like switching, honestly. Sometimes I will slide to strongly Selene, sometimes I will slide to strongly Luwana. It feels weird to feel her presence and also know that she's just, me, now, whereas we used to be completely multiple.

I feel wei lean towards singlet, honestly, in this respect? It feels like a very strange experience, and one where my identity is kind of, different and not within my control anymore, but one where I do remain me.

SatuSepiida - 2019-12-05 20:40:05

We're still trying to figure out how this system works. We're now on the multiple side of median, though we've been on the singlet side also. Things are fluid. It's been almost a year since we discovered each other and our plurality. I suppose that's not enough time to have it all figured out. There's probably not enough time in muir life for that, heh. The things we know are kind of convoluted, and many of us have different perspectives. Here are some main points:

The_Flock - 2019-12-12 19:37:29

It oftentimes feels complicated to explain how wei work, but I'll give it a shot.

Wei're philosophically and by identification one 'person,' but practically work out to being very fluid in how unified/separate wei feel.

Wei seem to have a sort of sub-headspace void, where wei visualize each-other's presences and sometimes feel each-other separately and can speak to each-other. Wei're not sure that there's anything there though.

Switching is something wei can do on purpose, to some degree. It can be triggered by external things that relate to individual facets, or wei can just talk to each-other and sorta … step outta the way and let the other facet walk in. It's honestly such a non-switch both in how it feels and often how it appears, though, that wei tend to call it phasing instead, based on some old terminology I coined on Tumblr.

Most of the time it's not something wei try to influence, though. Wei just naturally drift between each of muis and it feels very much like gender-fluidity in how the brain just does what it wants on any given day and wei'll slowly drift from facet to facet over any random amount of time.

Wei're ultimately not really sure what makes muis all the same person, other than that wei agree to be, and share responsibility for the identity that's been experiencing Outworld life for most of this body's life and has most of the memories, and because of that agreement integrate into a shared identity? It seems there is a degree of actual integration that has to happen in order to function, which is why wei're all here by choice. Folks have both split off from and integrated into this median rodeo in the past, even long before it was configured the way it is now.

It took muis a very long time to figure out the median thing. And then to forget all of it after a major split and confuse later expressions of medianhood for kintypes, new system members, Borderline PD, and more! So wei hope that there's a rise in median narratives, especially in the gross community climate we're in where medians are misrepresented and shunned, will help more folks figure themselves out.

[archive note: post redacted]