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What's your headspace like?

housetiger - 2020-02-22 19:34:03\ im curious to know what other systems have got going on in their heads - whether you have whole worlds or a tiny little room or your sense of whats going on 'inside' doesnt involve a physical landscape at all!

housetiger - 2020-02-22 21:09:25

for us, the front is a room in a house that exists on the outskirts of a city that as far as im aware is just called 'the city' :B we exist in a pretty backwater part of some science-fantasy empire, but whether it actually exists in it entirety or thats just Lore is unclear ¯\(ツ) /¯ so while our neck of the woods has a lot of humans (and other humanoids) in it, the culture is pretty dominated by those imperial races. their languages are the dominant languages for media and the internet, one of them being the one that [mord spoke about here] [archival note: dead link, goes to a part of the forum that wasn't archived].

there are a couple more smaller towns dotted around our area which i guess make up a county? and as you get to the boundary of that, things become more unstable and dreamlike. our house actually sits pretty close to this boundary, and theres some Weird Shit in the forest out behind our garden. it might be the case that there are other 'islands' of stable space out there, but it seems kinda dangerous to venture out there to find out!

some random fun facts:

SatuSepiida - 2020-02-23 04:56:38

Sorin:\ Inworld has been shifting again so we are still figuring things out. But one kool thing is that I go to school now! In the city! Which is also new, and it's like a solarpunk version of our outworld city. And a majority of the city folk are nonhuman.

We still live on the Lake. And the City is also on the Lake. We used to have separate places cuz the Lake as a whole was home, but we felt kinda distant from each other so we all moved in to our shared Dream House. Triinu still has her Library but it's open to the public now and she works there.

shield_badger - 2020-02-23 22:35:55

Our headspace started off as one purposefully-constructed room, and eventually built up to be the sprawling, self-constructing thing it is today.

First off, the feeling of being inworld vs being outworld is like … being in an extended, vivid, MMO of a lucid dream where you just keep coming back to the same place. The whole world has an odd dreamlike quality to it, as much as it is very real as well. And it makes coming outworld feel like jumping into a pool of cold water :B Suddenly the input is just a lot sharper. It doesn't feel "more real," though. Just different.

I spend most of my time with the other two front-runners in what we call the "Front Tower." We're not quite sure how it developed anymore, but there's now a large tower in a wheat field that has a big lake behind it?

Roughly northwest of the Front Tower is the Main House, which is a large mansion that built off the original apartment built on the original room. :V It's where all the members of our system that aren't front-runners or prefer not to front live. In the basement there's a bar with a pool table and air hockey (they may have added/want to add foosball?) where some of us hang out.

We have a long empty stretch of road from there that leads into a city that seems loosely based on a mashup of Beach City, Hampden (Maryland), and Fells Point (Maryland). It feels small, but new stuff seems to pop up a lot. And at least us front-runners don't know what's beyond the city, but we have many reasons to believe our inworld is very, very large.

We've also got a weird door in the Front Tower that leads to … a void? It seems to be the voidspace that connects us to other world-bubbles sometimes? We've contemplated calling ourselves a Gateway system before, and have described some folks from "that side" as SoulBonds as well, but we don't settle much on anything. That void has been pretty inactive, thankfully.

also some random fun facts:

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Anomaly - 2020-02-24 16:52:52

Our headspace is like a section of a world, we don't have access to the entirety of it. Our access to the world has been expanding since we found it, first starting off in a forest and now has expanded to include more biomes. The places we can't access are cut off in various ways, either dropping into the void or blocked off with an invisible wall.

The forest was the first place we had access to and is a forest with various blue and green plants. Many "gates" are in this area, but as of now there is an ongoing project to rearrange them. There are small packs/herds of system members in the wilds of the forest, and there is also a settlement in the center which was left by what seems to be a roaming group in the headspace. The forest expands further out than we are able to go at the moment, with much more going on to the northeast.

There is also an ocean with beach, the beach houses a few headmates. This area was originally cut off void until it became water. There are some islands out there and we can access some of them, but they still need to be explored. This beach is to the south and southeast of the headspace.

To the northwest we have a mountain and that's the newest area we've discovered. It's basically just a mountain and again has some headmates who were living there or moved there.

There's also an underground area which has something like a weird town. It's located mostly under the forest but does extend out with many tunnels. The entrance is located in the town in the forest.

We also have a void surrounding the headspace with it's own unique properties and locations. There's a large tower in the void where the inhabitants live and that's also where dormant headmates are located, essentially hibernating or resting. The voidspace allows access to anywhere in the headspace, but it can be dangerous to navigate.

There are also many miscellaneous areas that you can get through either by voidspace or teleportation, but we can't figure out where they are. They may be the islands we see out to the sea, but not all of them seem to be near water. There's one that's a massive planes with an underground tunnel (unrelated to the forest one) that goes out into these massive towering red and white trees that are like a mix of an oak, birch, and maple.

We also do have a headspace version of Discord just called "Syschat" (Quel is very creative /s) that we've been working on for a few months. It's still in the development stage as we need to work out accessibility features, but it's there and we've been thinking of implementing a social media platform.

Sports are also becoming more of a thing. Pokemon battles are actually becoming more of an event here because of the amount of Pokemon we have, and they need to release energy somehow.

Zomorphi - 2020-02-24 22:32:16

We have what is essentially a world plus a few pocket realms as our innerworld. The world we primarily gather in resembles an untouched Earth but has many visual and natural differences from Earth. Our grass is a nice teal-jade green color, and while we do have clusters of trees growing in select patches here and there, we also have forests and native wildlife that live there too. There are bioluminscent mushrooms and fungi that live on the trees, and wild animals that roam around. We have small animals that slither in the grass, and larger animals that occasionally serve as prey. In the day the sky is usually cloudy and white, with the sun hidden behind them, and in the night the sky goes to a cyan-green color in which we can see the stars. Since this place supplies all the food, environment and space many of us need to exist comfortably many of us stay here most of the time.

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shield_badger - 2020-04-24 12:28:43

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It's interesting that there's similarity for you there, because I actually don't know what that experience is like and am curious how they're similar for you? :O For us, at least, there's definitely a difference in that after the initial intentional construction of headspace happened, it started to grow on its own. We don't know much about the world we spend half (sometimes most or all) of our lives in when we're not front.

That's the other thing for us, it's not daydreaming at all. We don't really tend to do that, so it's pretty clear for us that it's different? And like, we go there when not front and continue to experience things when the fronter isn't aware. Very little of what takes place in headspace is something a fronter is going to be paying attention to unless they're specifically trying to check on someone.

And the actions we all take are of free will and stuff, not daydreamed by someone else? Like maybe that's also the case for you? But it clears up more of how it's different from daydreaming for us, personally.

Your headspace sounds really interesting though, and I wonder how much of it you know about/have explored? :o\ Our inworld is potentially massive but we only really know about a small chunk of it.

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