this post was originally made on tumblr on the 18th september 2019

what are semiplural pronouns?

being median, sometimes you feel like it’s not appropriate to just refer to yourself as ‘i’, but ‘we’ doesn’t feel right either. a while back, @flock-of-changes​ helped muis coin a set of first person pronouns to fill this gap. the full set is this:


(it can also be muirself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ personal preference)

they’re used like this:

  • wei realized wei were median
  • it explained a lot about muis
  • like how complicated muir identity gets
  • and a lot of weird habits of muirs
  • wei’re happy wei now better understand muirselves (/muirself)

how did you come up with these?

‘wei’ had been in use on the daemon forum for a very long time - we just mashed me/us, my/our, etc together in the same way to complete the set.

how do you pronounce them?

the ‘ui’ sound is from scots, and it’s pronounced /jǝː/ - so it’ll vary by accent, but broadly, ‘muir’ rhymes with ‘pure’ or ‘purr’ and ‘muis’ rhymes with ‘use’ or ‘us’.

how do they conjugate?

wei’ve only seen people conjugate them in the plural (so ‘wei are’ and not ‘wei am’ or ‘wei is’). this seems to be what’s most comfortable to say and easiest understand.

when is it correct to use them?

most importantly,they’re first person pronouns. you use them for yourself/ves, not for anyone else. but when you choose to use them over ‘we’ or ‘i’ is entirely up to you and what feels comfortable and correct. wei tend to use them only when no other word will do, but some medians use them pretty much exclusively.

are they exclusive to medians?

nope! they can still be useful for daemians and other people whose identities mean that neither ‘i’ nor ‘we’ fit sometimes. just remember that they are not for referring collectively to the individuals in a system, a situation where ‘we’ would do just fine.

are there other semiplural pronouns?

some plurals append & to pronouns to represent kind of the same thing (you&, i&, etc). the flock says when it reads these, it typically pronounces the & as -‘n, so you’n, i’n, etc. daemians have also used he, shei, and thei for he/she/they+i, but expanded sets for those don’t exist (wei’ve tried a couple times and not landed on anything wei’re happy with yet.)